I turned from 🧔to 👨🏻‍🦰

Metin Senler
4 min readMay 25, 2021

And also: why is there a ginger-moustache-man emoji and not a ginger-beard-man emoji?

What happened?

  • My parents are now fully vaccinated, which is just 🥳
  • Speaking of vaccines: I just got my first vaccine shot last Friday, which is amazing. The Zurich exhibition hall is very much organized and quick! Jacky is next tomorrow 💉
  • I’ve checked out some personal trainers in and around Zurich and made a shortlist. Next week, I’m going to contact those people 💪
  • I starred as a “dad” in a little social media commercial video for PostFinance, and this is why I turned 👨🏻‍🦰
Went through different beard stages
The shirt makes the difference though — Met Flanders
  • I’ve been teaching at MAZ (Die Schweizer Journalistenschule) for a couple of years now. They have started to share the different modules and courses on LinkedIn now! Feel free to check it out!

MAZ-Die Schweizer Journalistenschule on LinkedIn: Visuelle Kommunikation in sozialen Medienwww.linkedin.com
Post oder Stories? Memes, Bild oder Video? Lernen Sie mit Metin Senler, in den relevanten sozialen Netzwerken visuell hervorzustechen. …

What’s on my mind?

  • I’m thinking of “focusing” on one or two things and not 100. Meaning: YouTube videos and Podcasts and not + short videos, + writing articles, and so on. The same also for Senler Media. On the other hand, one reason WHY we’re successful is that we’re trying out so many different things.
  • Snap Inc. just released the first-ever AR-Glasses for developers who could actually be ready for consumers, which is quite mind-blowing. Easy accessible AR is going to make a huge impact in our lives.
  • We’re going to check out a Mini-Dachshunds tomorrow. 🐶This would be our first family addition which is quite exciting. 😊

What did I discover?

  • We are now heading into summer but unfortunately, not yet weather-wise. The rainy days make it hard to shoot videos for our clients outside, BUT there are always windows of opportunities. This app called TMRW Weather actually shows those windows surprisingly well with a countdown and notifications when it’s going to rain in my area.
It may look like your regular weather right now but if there is actually rain going ti happen, it will show you EXACTLY when and for how long.

What am I reading?

  • I’m still reading “No Filter — The Inside Story of Instagram” by Sarah Frier (Orell Füssli, Amazon). It’s the amazing story of how Instagram started, the acquisition by Facebook, and all the troubles coming with that. Very well written and quite captivating. I should be finished in two days with it, and I’ll make a short review video.
  • “Small Giants — Companies That Choose to be Great Instead of Big” by Bo Burlingham (Orell Füssli, Amazon). It’s a great book full of stories of companies you may never have heard of but are just awesome in what they’re doing, and they also have a huge impact on their community. Something I’m aspiring to create with Senler Media.

What am I gaming?

  • I’m playing “Robocop” on my old Game Boy from time to time. The music is amazing, and the levels are getting difficult, man!

What am I watching?

  • The YouTuber “Wheezy Waiter” and his challenge videos. I find it quite amusing (the content, the editing, and the sharp jokes) and find Jacky and me in this couple a little bit.
  • After watching Steve-O’s (yes, the guy from Jackass) video podcast episode with Casey Neistat (my most favorite YouTuber ever back in the day). I got really hooked on Casey’s videos and editing style. What an inspiration this guy is to me still to this day.

Casey Neistat — Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #54www.youtube.com
Casey Neistat is the the Martin Scorsese of YouTube as well as an entrepreneur and overall rad guy.Sponsors: Go to http://solostove.com promo code STEVEO for…

What am I creating?

  • I actually recorded two videos and one podcast episode. These 3 things are still in editing mode sooooo nothing much except this Reel showing me shaving my beard off.

Alright, you awesome people! If you’re here, you made it to the end of my very first issue. Let me know how you liked it and what you would like to know more (or less) about.

Have a great start to the week 🚀



Metin Senler

I love thinking about social media, tech and business so much, I started companies around those topics and love to talk and teach about them.