About Friends and Family, and my Headphone Journey 🎧

Metin Senler
4 min readJul 19, 2021

And why I skipped last week’s newsletter.

Family and Friends

There are two reasons why I skipped last week’s newsletter:

  1. I have visited my family and some excellent friends last weekend and enjoyed the time and company. I guess as I’m getting older, I lean more into meaningful social connections rather than being on some ego train and doing stuff. So after those two weekends, I can say: you can do your own things AND have time for family and friends (who would have thought?)
  2. The last newsletter was my 8th which means that I wrote newsletters for two months straight, and I wanted to take time off to reflect.

What did this reflection week bring me? Easy: the fact that I actually like writing (a lot). I didn’t know before, now I do.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I’m good at it, but…I like it!

Speaking about Family: I became a godfather 🥳 My cousin is having her 2nd baby, and they believe that I’m a responsible guy (little do they know HAHAHA, just kidding). Really excited about this.

Here is a picture of the baby cats at their home:

Taken with iPhone 12 Pro Max in Portrait Mode

Don’t Buy The Beats Studio 3 Wireless

Last time, I mentioned that I had a major issue with my Beats Studio 3 Wireless (for which I made a love-video months ago). Here is an update:

  1. Apple didn’t fix them and send them back to me.
  2. I bought new headphones (check my Instagram for updates coming soon this week)
  3. I made a video about the whole situation.👇

DON’T BUY THESE BEATS!www.youtube.com
I have been through 2 Beats Studio 3 Wireless so please believe me when I say “don’t buy them”. As cool they might look (I love how they look) and nice they …

What Else?

🏃‍♂️ I ran over 88 km in the last two weeks, which is quite amazeballs to me! Today I even did a 15 km run. It’s amazing how things can change and get better when staying consistent. Follow me on Strava if you like so we can hype each other 🚀

🎧 We made a podcast episode out of a video I made about why perfectionism is a bad thing. Have a listen if you like (only 10 Minutes)

Why PERFECTION is a bad thing — Brain Storm with Metin Senler | Podcast on Spotifyopen.spotify.com
Listen to this episode from Brain Storm with Metin Senler on Spotify. 🧠 I don’t know why but for some reason everybody wants to be perfect.⚡️ Why? I have some ideas why. Let’s jump right into it. This is the first episode of this podcast that I’m releasing as a youtube video!

📚 I finished this wonderful book called “How To Stay Sane In An Age Of Division” by Elif Shafak (Orell Füessli, Amazon)

Some of us may feel overwhelmed by the events around us, by injustice, by suffering, by an endless feeling of crisis. So, how can we nurture the parts of ourselves that hope, trust and believe in something better? And how can we stay sane in this age of division?

I like Elif’s style and how the multicultural experiences she made shaped her perspective on all of the things happening right now in the world.

It’s a very short book I can recommend.

Alright, you awesome people! If you’re here, you made it to the end of this issue. But, before I let you go and start the new week, I’d like to leave you with one of my rules:

Never skip twice.

It’s okay if you have a bad day, if you feel overwhelmed or when life happens. However, whatever you do as a routine, never skip it twice.

Let me know how you liked this issue and what you would like to know more (or less) about. And don’t forget to forward the newsletter to people you think might be interested in my doings and thoughts. 🙌

Have a great start to the week 🚀



Metin Senler

I love thinking about social media, tech and business so much, I started companies around those topics and love to talk and teach about them.